Do you avoid uncommon acronyms in your writing?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] 4 months ago.See history

Acronyms are a common way to shorten words or phrases, but using niche terms can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. It's important to avoid jargon, especially for those new to a particular field or industry. To ensure clear communication, avoid unfamiliar acronyms where possible and use the full term instead.

  1. Avoid niche acronyms to avoid confusion.
  2. Don't use acronyms in titles, headings, or other prominent places. This can make it hard for some readers to understand the content those headings describe.
  3. If you must use an uncommon acronym, clearly define it the first time you use it.
  4. Be consistent. If you use an acronym for a term or phrase, use it consistently throughout your content.

::: greybox Ash: I'm attending FBC next week.

Eddie: What is FBC? ::: ::: bad Bad example: This conversation is unclear as Eddie doesn't know FBC :::

::: greybox Ash: I'm attending FireBootCamp next week

Eddie: Awesome! ::: ::: good Good example: No acronyms, clear communication :::

::: greybox Ash: I'm attending FBC (FireBootCamp) next week. Would you like to come with me?

Eddie: Yeah! FBC sounds great. ::: ::: good Good example: Defined acronyms can be used, but be careful to not assume the other person is aware of the term if you don't know for sure :::

By avoiding unclear acronyms and using the full names of the terms or phrases, the message is easier to understand.

::: greybox NB: Track this. ::: ::: bad Bad example: NB is unclear and old-fashioned :::

::: greybox Note: Track this. ::: ::: good Good example: "Note" is more common and understandable :::

Well-known acronyms that we commonly see (FYI, URL, HTTPS, GIF, etc.) are more acceptable and safe to use.

Ash Anil
Chris Schultz
Joanna Feely
Jayden Alchin
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